Monday, September 13, 2010

Welcome to Light, Lite!

Although I feel like I could easily personally welcome everyone I expect would ever read this blog (primarily my lighting professor Rob, a handful of my classmates, and potentially my parents), I still want to extend a warm welcome to any and everyone who has ventured to this site to see and hear my take on lighting in various interior spaces. Hello!

My name is Kate, and I am a second-year graduate student, working toward my MFA in Interior Design at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. This blog is the result of an assignment given to our class to document the lighting in at least five interior spaces in different buildings - residential, educational, hospitality, etc. I have named my blog "Light, Lite" because I predict that's exactly what you'll get through reading this blog - my dumbed-down (and, hence, "lite") take on lighting design as I attempt to document the good, the bad, and the ugly that I encounter in my day-to-day life.

That's me and my roots welcoming you to Light, Lite from our studio. And also realizing one must write backward for words to show up correctly in Photo Booth pictures :)


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